Governing BoardAssisteens® vote in their Governing Board based on the recommendation of the Nominating Committee. Here is the list of the current Governing Board along with their contact information.
A complete list of positions and duties can be found in the Policies as well as requirements for the positions. All elections are run in accordance with published Policies. |
Leadership ProcessWant to be a leader in Assisteens®? Join the Governing Board. Self-nomination forms are due mid-January. Nominating Committee meets at the end of January to present a slate at the February meeting.
Voting takes place at the March meeting. If a member is not slated for the position they self-nominated, they may petition by late February in time for the March vote. Members must also self-nominate for Appointed Positions. These forms are due after the March meeting. All due dates for this process will be communicated by the Parliamentarian at the November and January meetings. All forms must be ON TIME and submitted correctly to be eligible. |
PoliciesPolicies govern the Assisteens®. These Policies are approved by Assistance League San Pedro South Bay and National and voted on by the Assisteens®. To view the most recent approved Policies, click here,